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Mar 21, 2018



     Third Year (SEM-6)   
   Programs Set

     1. Write a C program to interface 16*2 LCD with ARM_LPC2294 Controller.

     2.  Write C Program for UART initialization and interfacing in embedded system for serial
            reception and transmission to computer.

     3. Write a C program to interface GSM module with ARM_LPC2148 Controller.

     4. Write a C program to interface GPS module with ARM_LPC2148 Controller for finding current
          location's latitude and longitude values.

     5. Write a C program to initialize internal ADC of LPC2294 with and without using 

     6. Write C program for GPIO configuration and control with simple LED example on TIVA
          *TM4C123GH6PM* platform.

     7. Write C program for programming on-chip ADC module of TIVA *TM4C123GH6PM*.

     8. Write C program to interface 128*64 GLCD with LPC2148 Controller.

     9. Write a C program to Implement linear convolution of any two sequences using DSP 
         TMS320C6713 starter kit.

    10. Write a C Program to implement and verify FIR filters on DSK6713 kit.
    11. Write C Program to interface SD Card with LPC2148 using SPI protocol.

    12. Write a C Program to interface EEPROM with LPC2148 using I2C protocol.

    13. Write a C program to demonstrate functionality of on-chip RTC in LPC2148.

    14. Write a C program to demonstrate functionality of on-chip DAC in LPC2148.


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