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Sep 14, 2017


 PIC Programming (PIC 18F452)

                                                               Third Year (SEM-5)

                                                                            Program Set


1. To Interface LED, RELAY, BUZZER & SWITCH to PIC18F452. Write a C18 code when button-1 is Pressed Relay, Buzzer gets turned ON and LEDs start chasing from left to right and

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2. To Interface 16*2 LCD and 4*4 Keyboard to P18F452. Write a C18 code to implement detection of any key pressed and to Display it on LCD.

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3. To Interface Analog Voltage (0-5 V) to Internal ADC in PIC18F452 and display 
values on 16*2 LCD.

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4. Write C18 program for generating square waveform using timer for following:-

5. Write C18 program for Interfacing of Serial Communication Port of PIC18F42 with PC.

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6. To Interface a DC motor with PIC18F452 using CCP1 module and Write a C18 program to
move DC motor with one frequency. (Fosc=8MHz)

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